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Dear Partners & friends,

We are super excited about all God is doing here at Encounter. After one year in Durham, NC we are pleased to share with you how amazing God's has been to us. 

What's Happening?

Over the past year, we've seen God's power manifested in ways that are simply amazing. Bodies healed, families restored, minds renewed, bondages broken and souls saved; to God be all the Glory. While the national statistics suggests otherwise, in July of this year (2023) we literally doubled in our weekly attendance. At the end of September 2023, we competed yet another leader's internship program. From assisting families in tangible ways helping them through temporary crisis to marriage counseling; Encounter is already making an indelible impact in this region and around the World. 


What's Next?

At Encounter, we believe in excellence. After seeing our local attendance doubled and our online reach reach expanded to hundreds and hundreds of people, we realize the importance of renovating our existing facility. The time is now. We can do better and we must. It's time to produce excellence on every level starting with our Worship production, our sermon series and DA KIDZ SPOT. As such, this year we will direct all of our "I Love My Church" offering to begin a much needed renovation. 


Phase 1: Demo - Removal of the existing stage, temporary walls, old debris and articles that are not being used. 


Phase 2: New Stage/Walls - Expanding our stage using space saving strategy 


Phase 3: Equipment/Furniture - After assessing our current inventory, we are please to say we have most of the equipment we would need with the exception of a few items. However, we are in need of 100 church chairs and some furnishings for the welcome and lobby area.


Phase 4: Occupancy - We're aiming to hold our very first service at this location on Oct 2nd, 2022 at 10AM. A day of celebration. All of our partners and friends are invited to join us as we celebrate the goodness of God. 


How can you help?

> Pray - Pray for God's favor and continued blessings on Encounter Church.

> Show up - Serve by volunteering your time as needed.  

> Give - Prayerfully consider what God would want you to invest towards this venture. 

Our financial goal to complete this project is $20,000.

We need every hand on Deck. Grab your Oar, it's time to Row. 

Would you consider investing into God's Kingdom by sowing into this movement?


ZELLE - Email:

Cash App - $encounternation

Online - GIVE HERE

We pray your seed will be fruitful and you will experience an abundance of increase in all you do.


Thank you for your love, your prayers and your generosity.


-Pastors Josh & Andrea





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